The Council

The Council will be composed of members of Civil Society not related to the denim industry including individuals from academia, NGO, business, governance, etc. The EDC Council assists members of the denim supply negotiate with BRIs when they believe unethical behavior has occurred and when EDC believes the case has merit.

The Council’s perspective is based on the Eight Ethical Principles, a code of conduct regarding B2B purchasing practices for all members of the jeans and denim supply chain which has wide acceptance in the supply chain.

In the event buyers do not agree to arbitration, the Council will hear cases and pass judgment on whether the BRIs’ behavior was ethical or unethical. Unethical behavior judgments will be published on the Ethical Council website.

Business practices vary from company to company. By reviewing allegations of unethical behavior, attempting to mediate disputes, collecting buyer and supplier data, and adding visibility into business practices, everyone can be forewarned about potential problems and establish better protocol across the supply chain.

The EDC is not an advocacy group but a resource for information and problem resolution within the denim industry.

How It Works

Step 1: Complaint

Suppliers who perceive unfair actions by a brand, retailer, or importer can submit claims to the EDC for resolution.

Step 2: Consideration

If the case is deemed credible, EDC will "request" both parties (brand/retailer/importer and supplier) to engage in arbitration.

Step 3: Arbitration

Not every complaint will be engaged. EDC will evaluate the merits of each case to determine credibility.

Step 4:
Council Hearing

If issues cannot be resolved through arbitration, parties will meet with a council that will determine if unethical behavior has occurred based on the eight principles. Judgements will be posted on the EDC website.

For more information, please contact Andrew Olah at: