Ethical Denim Council

Building A Just Denim Supply Chain Through Commercial Compliance

The Mission

To assist members of the denim supply chain in negotiating with BRls when they believe unethical behavior has occurred and when EDC believes the case has merit.

The Goal

To help fix the imbalance of power and reduce instances of unethical behavior from brands, retailers, and importers that escalated in 2020 during the pandemic.

Our Initiatives

The Council

The Ethical Denim Council aids denim supply chain members in negotiating with BRIs to address and mediate allegations of unethical behavior.

Commercial Compliance

This initiative seeks to reestablish fair practices within the denim industry by ensuring that brands and retailers honor their commitments, thereby promoting a more equitable and reliable supply chain.

Reports & Research

Our Research and Reports provide in-depth analyses and insights into the state of the denim industry, from data on purchasing practices to unethical behaviour.

Responsible Purchasing Practices

8 Ethical Principles

The Council’s perspective is based on the Eight Ethical Principles, a code of conduct regarding B2B purchasing practices for all members of the jeans and denim supply chain which has wide acceptance in the supply chain.

  • Transparency of intent and action in business dealings. Never mislead or deceive suppliers by misrepresentations, overstatements, partial truths, selective omissions, or any other means.

  • Care, compassion, and kindness. Seek to accomplish business objectives and financial results in a manner that causes the least harm and the greatest positive good for all parties. Treat suppliers as they wish to be treated themselves.

  • Behave in a trustworthy manner by providing relevant information and correcting misinformation with forthrightness. Make every reasonable effort to fulfill the letter and spirit of contracts and other commitments, and resist technocratic or legalistic interpretations of agreements as an effort to justify non-compliance or abdication of responsibility.

  • Fidelity and friendship to suppliers and related parties. Make every reasonable effort to resolve issues and continue long-term relationships even through adverse conditions.

  • A commitment to equitability in all dealings. Never exercise power arbitrarily, employ indecent means to gain advantage, or take undue advantage of others’ mistakes or hardships.

  • Protect and build the company’s good reputation and the morale of its employees by not engaging in conduct that might undermine respect. Take whatever actions necessary to correct or prevent inappropriate conduct within their company.

  • Willingness to admit and correct unjust behavior or positions. Accept responsibility for ethical lapses in business dealings with suppliers, and the negative ramifications of these decisions for all involved stakeholders.

  • Understand and value the efforts suppliers make to meet fixed, commercial, and technical requirements.

One company’s business is very different from another’s. By collecting supplier data and building strong partnerships with their suppliers, brands and retailers can be forewarned about problems, and create systems to avoid practices that force suppliers to seek arbitration.

– Dr Marsha Dickson, President and Co-Founder, Better Buying Institute

Mission Supported by

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